Interdisciplinary Treatment

One of the things that we feel makes Sage Dentistry unique is our approach to interdisciplinary treatment. Many complicated dental cases require a team of dental specialists to achieve ideal results. In cases such as these, we are your dental “quarterback” and help manage the timing of various dental procedures as well as the final positioning of teeth and gums. One common example of interdisciplinary treatment is for a patient that requires orthognathic surgery (OGS) because of jaw and bite issues. An Orthodontist gets the teeth in the correct position prior to the patient having surgery with an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. After approving the final spacing of the teeth, our doctors perform the necessary restorative procedures to complete the case and give the patient a beautiful and ideal smile. This may involve cosmetic bonding, porcelain veneers, or crowns. Another example of interdisciplinary treatment commonly seen in our office is when a patient is missing a tooth or several teeth either because of a genetic trait or due to dental disease. It is now considered the standard of care to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant. In certain situations, a patient may first require treatment by an Orthodontist to make space for the implant, which would then be placed by either an Oral Surgeon or a Periodontist. As the restoring dentist, we are in constant communication with the Orthodontist to advise how much space is needed to create a crown that is the appropriate shape and size. We are also involved in planning the location of the implant placement and may prepare a surgical guide for the surgeon to use during the implant surgery so they know exactly where we want the implant placed in the dental arch. By working with a team of specialists, our doctors ensure your teeth are healthy, in the proper position, and have the correct gum contours to prepare your teeth to receive crowns, veneers, and restorations that will fit properly and enhance your smile. Dr. Kimes takes your oral health seriously and by managing interdisciplinary treatment with an elite team of dental specialists, we can ensure you have the best possible care for your mouth.